Elstilo - lighting salon

The elstilo brand - a new commercial brand el12 appeared on the market in 2013. It specializes in modern, designer lighting dedicated to any interior. The living room is a unique place where light plays the main role. The goal of elstilo is to increase the comfort of human life, bring out a good mood at home, at work and in the immediate surroundings. Each living space has different functions, which is why each needs a different type of light that will allow you to feel better and function in everyday duties.


The elstilo stylish lighting salon offers both modern lamps designed by the best lighting creators, as well as elegant, classic lighting for people who value simple solutions. The lamps offered by the salon bring the highest quality, uniqueness and aesthetics.


Decorative lighting


Loft lamps


Technical lighting


Children's lamps


Outdoor lighting


Decorative light sources


Smart Home


Sockets and switches


Why is it worth it?

Qualified staff has undergone a series of trainings to be able to provide each client with professional service. At the customer's request, the elstilo team prepares a lighting design with light measurements, organizes training for designers, advises, and installs the luminaires selected by the customer. When choosing lighting, they always follow the principle "Light in your style".

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