The HYBRYD company was founded in 1986 under the name: Przedsiębiorstwo Projektowania i Produkcji Urządzeń Elektroniczne Hybryd sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Zabrze. At that time, thick-film hybrid systems were produced for the needs of medical devices, later the offer was expanded to include applications in signaling devices for the railways, and then for the automotive industry. In 1996, the company's headquarters was moved to Pyskowice near Gliwice. The machine park has been expanded. The production technology was extended to the assembly of circuits on PCBs. Since 1997, the range of manufactured products has been extended with electronic systems for powering electroluminescent fluorescent lamps, i.e. electronic ballasts and emergency modules. In the course of continuous product improvement, emergency lighting power supply systems equipped with a digital interface were introduced into production. Most of the production is based on our own designs, developed in the construction department. The high quality of products and services is confirmed by the Integrated Quality Management System Certificate in accordance with ISO 9001:2008.
