Spółdzielnia Elektrotechniczna "POKÓJ" is currently one of the leading manufacturers of the electrotechnical industry in the field of low voltage equipment. The company's mission is to spread the company's important brand both on the Polish and foreign markets. Our goal is to attract new customers who focus on quality, reliability and professionalism. Our priority is contact with customers, which is why we actively participate in trade fairs, symposiums, exhibitions and trainings. This is reflected in the numerous awards and distinctions we have won. We have extensive commercial contacts with foreign companies, among others in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Sweden, Germany and Italy. The location of our city as well as the location of the company enables quick and efficient distribution of goods. Our advantage is also a modern machine park. In order to meet the requirements and expectations of our customers, we have implemented the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, which obliges us to constantly improve the quality of products and contacts with customers. It is also significant that "POKÓJ" S.E. has the status of a sheltered workshop, which obliges us to employ people with disabilities who become professionally active through work, which has an invaluable impact on rehabilitation.